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最高人民法院 最高人民检察院








  第一条 明知是盗窃、抢劫、诈骗、抢夺的机动车,实施下列行为之一的,依照刑法第三百一十二条的规定,以掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益罪定罪,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并处或者单处罚金:








  第二条 伪造、变造、买卖机动车行驶证、登记证书,累计三本以上的,依照刑法第二百八十条第一款的规定,以伪造、变造、买卖国家机关证件罪定罪,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。


  第三条 国家机关工作人员滥用职权,有下列情形之一,致使盗窃、抢劫、诈骗、抢夺的机动车被办理登记手续,数量达到三辆以上或者价值总额达到三十万元以上的,依照刑法第三百九十七条第一款的规定,以滥用职权罪定罪,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役:








  第四条 实施本解释第一条、第二条、第三条第一款或者第三款规定的行为,事前与盗窃、抢劫、诈骗、抢夺机动车的犯罪分子通谋的,以盗窃罪、抢劫罪、诈骗罪、抢夺罪的共犯论处。

  第五条 对跨地区实施的涉及同一机动车的盗窃、抢劫、诈骗、抢夺以及掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益行为,有关公安机关可以依照法律和有关规定一并立案侦查,需要提请批准逮捕、移送审查起诉、提起公诉的,由该公安机关所在地的同级人民检察院、人民法院受理。

  第六条 行为人实施本解释第一条、第三条第三款规定的行为,涉及的机动车有下列情形之一的,应当认定行为人主观上属于上述条款所称“明知”:



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第一条 为促进对外经济技术合作,顺利开展对外金融活动,加强对外汇担保的管理,根据《中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例》的规定,特制订本办法。
第二条 本办法所称外汇担保系指以自有外汇资金向境外债权人或境内的外资银行、中外合资银行或外资、中外合资非银行金融机构承诺,当债务人未按合同规定偿付外汇债务时,由担保人用外国货币履行偿付义务的保证,包括:
第三条 国家外汇管理局和外汇管理分局(以下简称“外汇管理部门”)为外汇担保的管理机关,负责外汇担保的审批、管理和登记。
第四条 允许提供外汇担保的机构和单位限于:
第五条 金融机构提供的外汇担保余额和对外债务余额之和不得超过自有外汇资金的20倍。
第六条 外汇担保的审批权限:
第七条 外汇担保的审批范围:
第八条 担保人办理担保报批手续时,应向外汇管理部门提供全部或部分下列资料:
第九条 担保人提供外汇担保,应与债权人、债务人订立书面合同,订明担保人、债权人、债务人各方面的权利和义务。
第十条 担保人出具担保后,应到所在地外汇管理部门办理担保登记手续。
第十一条 担保需要展期时,担保人应在债务到期前15天到所在地外汇管理部门申请办理展期手续。办理展期手续时,应持展期债务的有关文件进行重新报批。
第十二条 担保项下债务到期或履行完毕以及出现其它终止担保合同情况时,非金融机构的担保人应在10天内将《外汇担保登记证书》退回原发证的外汇管理部门办理核销手续。金融机构按月办理核销手续。
第十三条 对于违反本办法的担保人,外汇管理部门将视情节轻重,对其进行警告、通报、暂停或撤销担保人外汇担保业务并根据《违反外汇管理处罚施行细则》的有关规定予以处罚。
第十四条 本办法也适用对外反担保。
第十五条 本办法由国家外汇管理局负责解释。
第十六条 本办法自公布之日起实施。1987年的《境内机构提供外汇担保的暂行管理办法》同时废止。

(Approved by the People's Bank of China on August 1, 1991 Promul-gated by the State Administration of Exchange Control on September 26,1991)

Whole Doc.

Article 1
These Measures are hereby formulated with a view to promoting foreign
economic and technical cooperation, developing foreign financial
activities smoothly and strengthening the control of foreign exchange
guarantees, in accordance with the Provisional Regulations for the Foreign
Exchange Control of the People's Republic of China.
Article 2
The term "foreign exchange guarantee" mentioned in these Measures
refers to an undertaking which a guarantor, against its own foreign
exchange funds, promises to guarantee the repayment in foreign exchange
currency to a foreign creditor, a wholly foreign-owned bank, a
Chinese-foreign equity bank or a non-banking financial institution which
is wholly foreign-owned or uses Chinese and foreign investment within
China, in the event of the failure of the debtor to pay its foreign
exchange debt under the contract, including:
(1) loan guarantee;
(2) financial leasing guarantee;
(3) performance guarantee under the compensation trade;
(4) debt guarantee in external contracting projects;
(5) guarantee in other forms.
Article 3
The State Administration of Exchange Control and its branch offices
(hereinafter referred to as the exchange control departments) are the
administrative organs in charge of foreign exchange guarantee, which are
responsible for the examination and approval, administration and
registration of the foreign exchange guarantee.
Article 4
Institutions and units which are permitted to provide a foreign
exchange guarantee are limited to:
(1) financial institutions which have the authority to conduct
foreign exchange guarantee business upon approval;
(2) non-financial enterprises with the status of a legal person which
have foreign exchange income.
No governmental departments and institutions shall provide foreign
exchange guarantee.

Article 5
The total amount of the balance of foreign exchange guarantee issued
by a financial institution together with the balance of its external
liabilities shall not exceed 20 times of its own foreign exchange funds.
The remaining sum of foreign exchange guarantee issued by a
non-financial institution shall not exceed the amount of its own foreign
exchange funds.
Guarantor shall not provide a guarantee to cover the registered
capital of the foreign party to an enterprise with foreign investment.
Article 6
The authority of examination and approval of the foreign exchange
(1) where a foreign exchange guarantee is provided externally to an
institution within China, it shall be examined and approved by the
exchange control department in the guarantor's locality;
(2) where a foreign exchange guarantee is provided to a Chinese
enterprise resident in foreign country, it shall be examined and approved
by the State Administration of Exchange Control;
(3) where a foreign exchange guarantee is provided to a foreign
institution and an enterprise with foreign investment at home and abroad,
it shall be examined and approved by the State Administration of Exchange
Article 7
The scope of examination and approval for foreign exchange guarantee
provided externally:
(1) the loan guarantees provided externally by the Industry and
Commerce Bank of China, the Agriculture Bank of China, the Bank of China,
the Investment Bank of China and the Bank of Communications, the Industry
Bank of China Trust and Investment Corporation within the Chinese
(2) the foreign exchange guarantees provided externally by other
financial institutions and non- financial enterprises with legal person
status except the banks listed above.

Article 8
When a guarantor goes through the guarantee procedures of submission
and approval, it shall submit to the exchange control department all or
part of the following documents and materials:
(1) the approval documents for the feasibility study report of the
project to be guaranteed and relative written documents;
(2) the certificate of the guarantor's own foreign exchange funds;
(3) documents of guarantor's external liabilities and guarantee;
(4) the letter of intent of the guarantee contract;
(5) the principal debt contract or letter of intent under the
guaranteed proje ct and relative documents;
(6) documents concerning the implementation of counter guarantee
(7) the mortgage certificate which shows that the guarantee amount
will be sec ured by foreign exchange assets at equivalent value of foreign
institutions and enterprises with foreign investment, when a foreign
exchange guarantee is provided to them.
Article 9
A guarantor who provides foreign exchange guarantee shall conclude
written contract with the creditor and debtor, which specifies the rights
and obligations in all respects of the guarantor, creditor and debtor.
(1) the guarantor has the right to supervise the funds and assets of
the debtor;
(2) the creditor has the right to require the guarantor to provide
the related materials such as its financial statement, information
concerning the exchange
ncome and expenditure, etc.;
(3) after a guarantee is provided by the guarantor, any amendment to
the guarantee contract by the creditor and debtor shall be subject to the
guarantor's permission, and the guarantor shall report it to the exchange
control department for examination and approval. Otherwise, the
guarantor's obligations of guarantee shall be relieved automatically;
(4) after a guarantee is provided by the guarantor, in case the
debtor fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the provisions
of the contract during the term of the guarantee contract, the guarantor
shall fulfill its guarantee obligations. After its fulfillment, the
guarantor has the right to require the debtor for reimbursement;
(5) if the creditor fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance
with the provisions of the contract during the term of the guarantee
contract after a guarantee is provided by the guarantor, the guarantor
will be automatically relieved of its obligations, the guarantor has the
right to require the creditor for reimbursement of the corresponding loss;
(6) the guarantor has the right to require the debtor to implement
the counter guarantee measures or furnish corresponding mortgage, and
charge a fixed amount of guarantee fee.

Article 10
After a guarantee is provided, the guarantor shall go through the
registration formalities with the local department of exchange control
where the guarantor is located.
(1) after a guarantee is provided by a non-financial institution, the
institution shall, within 10 days, fill in the "Foreign Exchange Guarantee
Registration Form", and obtain the "Foreign Exchange Guarantee
Registration Certificate";
(2) the financial institutions follow a regular month registration
system, and shall, within 15 days after the last month, fill in the "Form
of Information on Foreign Exchange Guarantee" so as to report the changing
condition of guarantee liabilities in the last month.
Article 11
In the event that an extension of the guarantee term is required, the
guarantor shall apply for the extension to the local exchange control
department 15 days prior to the expiration of the debt. When going through
the extension formalities, the guarantor shall submit the relative
documents concerning the extension to the exchange control department for
a new approval.
Article 12
When a debt under the guarantee becomes due or is repaid, or the
guarantee contract terminates under other conditions, for a non-financial
institution as a guarantor, it shall, within 10 days, return the "Foreign
Exchange Guarantee Registration Certificate" to the original exchange
control department which issued the certificate for verification and
cancellation, and for a financial institution as a guarantor, it shall go
through the formalities of verification and cancellation monthly.
Article 13
If the guarantor violates these Measures, the exchange control
department will, according to the seriousness of the case, impose a
warning, notice of criticism, suspension or cancellation of the
guarantor's foreign exchange guarantee business, and give penalty in
accordance with the provisions of the Implementing Rules of Penalties for
the Violation of Foreign Exchange Control.
Article 14
These Measures shall also apply to the external counter-guarantees.
Article 15
The authority to interpret these Measures resides in the State
Administration of Exchange Control.
Article 16
These Measures will enter into force from the date of promulgation.
The Provisional Measures for the Control of the Issuing Foreign Exchange
Guarantee by Organizations within Chinese Territory promulgated in 1987
shall be abrogated on the same date.



中国 古巴


(签订日期1987年11月27日 生效日期1988年1月1日)

  第一条 中华人民共和国和古巴共和国之间一九八八年日历年度内货物的相互交换,将根据双方进出口平衡的原则,在本议定书附表“甲”(古巴共和国出口商品)和附表“乙”(中华人民共和国出口商品)的基础上进行。上述附表是本议定书的组成部分。经双方同意,未包括在上述附表中的商品可以进行交换,对附表“甲”和“乙”中已订定的商品数量也可以调整。

  第二条 价格、交货期和其他技术条件,以及与第一条中提及的附表“甲”和“乙”所列商品有关的其他条件,将由中华人民共和国和古巴共和国国营对外贸易机构,根据两国政府签订的“贸易协定的协议”、“支付协定”和一九六四年十二月三十一日两国对外贸易部签订的“交货共同条件”以及两国有关交通运输部门之间达成的商品运输协议的规定,在具体合同中商定。

  第三条 根据本议定书相互供应货物的支付,将由中国银行和古巴国家银行根据“支付协定”和“关于执行中、古贸易和支付协定的技术细则和记帐办法的银行协议”,以及有关换函的规定办理。

  第四条 本议定书是“贸易协定”和“支付协定”的组成部分。自一九八八年一月一日起生效,有效期一年。

  中华人民共和国政府           古巴共和国政府
    代   表              代   表
     郑拓彬           里卡多·卡布里萨斯·鲁伊斯
    (签字)               (签字)